Originally Posted by brxbrx
No, one of the ingame tips says raising your dominion will lower your unrest
That's a usual way, but it's not terribly useful when your dominion is already over 4 in the province, as it's likely to be in your capital.
You get unrest in provinces you own that have enemy dominion. It has to be pretty strong dominion to be noticeable, but those are the places where preaching (or building temples) contribute most to keeping unrest under control, not provinces hit by unrest events and spells, nor in provinces with unrest-causing sites and stealth units. Patrolling is the go-to method for handling unrest, coupled with tax reductions.
Likewise, if your dominion is already strong, preaching isn't going to have an impact on shifting luck scales back from misfortune to whatever is normal for your dominion.