Probably a stupid question but having patched Dom3 up to 3.26 any new games I start as SP don't seem to have any enabled random events. Is this a new feature or am I missing something?
Hm. Aren't there some limitations on extremely early random events? ISTR that some of the especially bad ones won't happen immediately, but I might be confusing what the game does with some random users' proposal.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...
Hm. Aren't there some limitations on extremely early random events? ISTR that some of the especially bad ones won't happen immediately, but I might be confusing what the game does with some random users' proposal.
Some of the very good ones and lots of the bad or very bad ones have turn limit restrictions of the type "cannot happen before turn x". For the full list of events, see the event list thread.