TCP-IP => Manual...errors?
A buddy and I just killed a tcp ip game we had goen. Once it ended, we decided that we were tired of having TCP IP problems everytime his *** was booted/disconnected. I was the host, and the quicker player as well, and so usually it would result in me having to redo my turn, depending on the timing, as Id have to restart SE, Load the game and my turn would be a big fat blank again.
Anyway, now we're doen the manual file thing, and for some reason its *****ing about a data file mismatch. My question is, why didnt TCP IP ***** about it too? Neither of us has changed our data files in ages, my Last modification was on 3/11/02... and granted, it seemed like the most likely culprit, but once I sent him the 3/11 file to replace his data file, the same errors ensued. So I wager Im gonna havta restore my data files from scratch (his are default, I assumed mine were as well, even the 3/11 file has no significant changes other than date), then start a new game and try again...
Any insight to what the problem is? We now have matching 3/11 files, and everything else was Last modified by Aaron or one of his cronies back in '01 or '00.
-the Kaiser
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