i just read Baal'z guide again and have a couple of pretty dumb questions (even for me) and 1 that makes sense. Starting with the dumb ones...
1. everyone keeps saying that you can't change the order of the units...I have no idea what that means. Does that mean when you go into the battle setup If you have 2 enaries then your pretender then 10 more enaries in that order, then you can only have a communion with 2 slaves (assuming the Pretender is the master)?
If so, how would you change the order (it says you can't), so is it all luck, If it is then a lot of folks are luckier than hell.
2. let us assume I AM lucky and have 8 enaries above my pretender. I make all 8 slaves and my pretender the master (so far so good if I am understanding it right). Now, I have another 4 AFTER my Pretender on the list (and this is important to me if I do a reverse communion), If I make THEM slaves will they help soak up the Fatigue. Since they can't cast spells once my pretender would and they are slaves...it would seem they could.
If I do a reverse and have all 8 enaries casting and my pretender soaking up the fatigue...will the extra 4 under him help so he doesn't die?
If I have it all screwed up, I am sorry. If I could just figure this out ONCE and know for SURE what happens. then I would be ok in this game.
Thanks for putting up with a question i am sure you have heard 1000 times...