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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:59 AM
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Kartoffel Kartoffel is offline
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Default Re: 3d Terrain Viewer?

Originally Posted by Mobhack View Post
It would be a lot of work, for little real gain.

There is plenty of example code out there for 3D mapping - and all is based on a Cartesian (square grid) universe. With heights plotted for the corner points of the triangles, and not the grid square. Hexagonal mapping is something else entirely. have not seen any example code out there. So the wheel would have to be invented entirely from scratch.

You will have to do your map reading the traditional way officers have always done it, i.e. from a 2D map. Paper in their case, on a screen in yours. (And that is one reason we do not provide a utility to calculate LOS in any random hex, since on a paper map you have to judge it 'by eye'. Only by having a real unit go to the hex can you get a report on the 'actual' LOS). As in R/L - a map position may look like a perfect OP, but the unit you send actually reports back that new brush, or a brand new factory building has been built since the maps were updated last. (SP maps are 100% perfect, totally and utterly unlike real life. And your unit goes exactly to the place you ordered, again rather unlike real life too! . SP has an inbuilt GPS system even in 1930, and its 'satnav' does not send 40 ton articulated lorries down country goat tracks because the system thinks they are real roads).

I kind of like the idea of less than accurate maps. Would it be possible to make the maps the user sees slightly inaccurate or with small blank areas?
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Old May 14th, 2010, 12:30 PM

eniced73 eniced73 is offline
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Default Re: 3d Terrain Viewer?


Check this out. I remember seeing this awhile back when I was messing around with this game. The maps are hexagonal like SP but I am not sure it would come anywhere close to working. It is a java base game I believe so I highly doubt it will work. Worth a look though. Someone with more knowledge about the SP games will have to take a gander at this.
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