Originally Posted by DaveyJJ
I'm working on a couple of tests maps for myself to finally finish getting the hang of the editor. Yes, I finally have it down (almost), to the point where I can actually get a scenario to work. I had two questions remaining:
1. In the unit lists, what is the name of a German (standard Wermarcht) infantry platoon. I found company level infantry but am making a smaller test scenario with a single Brit infantry company of three platoons, and need only platoon level German infantry units as the computer opposition.
2. I place all of the victory markers on the board. If they are set to be a German marker worth XX victory points, does that mean the Germans, if they are not on the hex, will try to move to take it? Or are they to indicate points of interest victory for the Brits, who are awarded points for capturing them?
Sorry for the utter noobieness, once again. I'd ask my late father-in-law the first (2nd Polish Corps veteran awarded the Cross of Valour in Dec 1944 (Krzyż Walecznych) for an act of bravery of valour on the field of battle in Italy) but he passed away before I managed to ask him of his exploits. He'd have known.
moved to the campaigns & scemnarios foru, as more appropriate.
1) In your game notes folder, open Translations.htm and refer to the German translation (first in the file). Zug is what you are looking for.
2) Are they attacking, defending or what?
- severe weirdness can arise if the AI force that is attacking or advancing has no enemy or neutral objectives to go for...
- if defending (static) then they
should all be the defender's ownership (can be otherwise, but that is advanced scenario AI design, not 101)
- Defender will eventually go get it if the enemy flip the flag. Depends on what you set up for the counter-attack turn for the various formations, etc.