So this thread discussion petered out a couple months ago but i was flipping through old forum posts and saw something that caught my eye:
Originally Posted by Edi
Illwinter is currently involved with a new project, with Dominions 3 support more of a sideshow, since it works "well enough" by now. That and everything I said above establishes the baseline circumstances surrounding this issue. If anyone has a problem with that, well, it'll stay as their problem until they do something about it on their own.
Has any information been released about this new project?
And I did want to weigh in my 2 cents on the question of whether illwinter should spend time updating the manual. My answer is "no." The community should do that with a wiki and if people have questions they can always use this forum. The devs time, I think, is better spent on a new project for us to enjoy.
Ich's wiki at is coming along quite nicely. But it is having technical problems at the moment.