I made a little video showing some of the potential for custom battlemaps.
What the video doesn't show is a major problem. If you set a province to use a custom battlemap, it works great until you place a fortress there as well. The custom map overrides the fortress map and when siege battles take place, they occur on the custom map.
I realize that this is a known issue/feature:
3.15 #batmap “”
Sets the battleground that fights take place in for
the current province. You can use the special
name 'empty' for no battleground, useful for
battles in space perhaps. This will affect fights
both outside and inside castles.
...but JK, how 'bout some more love for the map editors.
(I considered just sending an email, but I know the devs are focusing on their new project so posting here in case I can just catch them in the dominions mood and browsing.
