This is an all land map with 192 provinces.
It is set up so it doesn't have to be wrap around but doesn't suffer from non-wraparound maps drawbacks.
Instead of removing the corners as wrap around does, I drew this map so that each starting province would have three neigbours exactly, and then divided starting provinces so each starting province would be 4 provinces away from the next.
The map comes in 3 versions with fixed starting locations for 3, 6 and 16 players. The locations are balanced in terms of distance from each other, but some have more neighbours than others although it's usually 5 or 6. All have 2 forest, 1 swamp or waste and 1 mountain province either touching or 1 province removed from the capital (i.e. nearer to them than the opponent).
I thought of only #allow'ing land nations but it's a pain since any new land mod nation would be unable to play without editing the map.
Unfortuntely the allowed sea nations command is deprecated. If someone knows how one could fix that?