I've created a map of Westeros, in case there are any "A Song of Ice and Fire" fans here. Maybe this has been done before, but I didn't see one, so I gave it a shot. Westerosi.map is random, While Westerosi-early.map has early starting locations for 9 factions. Where possible, I tried to use factions that had something in common with the faction in that geographical area of Westeros. In my current game, for example, I am playing Niefelheim which starts beyond the wall in the frozen north - and right now I am fighting primarily against Ulm, located at Winterfell.
I have tried to preserve the sense conveyed in the books that the land contains many strategically significant choke-points, so in some cases, movement is not allowed between adjacent provinces, and this is designated with a thick red line. Sea lanes are marked in green.
I hope some people enjoy this map, as I already have. I’d love feedback and suggestions too. Please forgive if this offer breaches any forum etiquette – I am still a newb.