Originally Posted by Skirmisher
Thanks, I figured there had to be a reason why nobody was making scenario's.
This game is clearly Multiplayer first,which is sort of the exact opposite of most games.
Well I've been working on some SP maps, but there's several problems which I haven't found permanent workarounds.
1) The Arena Death Match = One of the biggest weaknesses for the computer opponents since they will foolishly send their pretenders. The death of a pretender will cause the nation to declare war on whatever player killed the pretender... even against another computer opponent marked as an ally in the .map file.
2) Mercenaries = The computer opponents RARELY place bids above 10 gold when buying mercenaries. As a result this provides the human player a strong unbalanced advantage.
3) No intelligence when equipping items = The computer opponents have almost no knowledge of what to place on its mages and commanders. As a result you'll see mages wearing full plate armor, non-stealth units with assassin hearts, etc., etc., .
4) Starving Units = The computer opponents have improved since the days of Dominions_2, but even with 300+ supply setting it still purchases lots of the cheap generic units which eventually leads to starving. I believe the starving occurs when two armies from different provinces march on the same target province exceeding the supply. Map edit commands can be used to remove the generic units from each province, but it's very time consuming.
5) Bad Scales = Computer opponents cannot play with Death Scales, at least the map edit commands can be used here. I recommend all SP gamers use the map edit commands to provide the computer opponents with +2 or +3 growth. The Death Scale has the worst longterm effect and the Bad Luck Scale has the worst shortterm effect.
6) Water Provinces = The vast majority of AI land opponents have no ability/skill for enter watering provinces... this provides the human player a huge advantage. As a result I must recommend all SP games use no water provinces OR choose specific nations which can use troops to enter the water such as early age Argatha.