Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?
Well to throw my 2 cents in, it is entirely possible that had I only recently learned of Dom3 I might have passed on acquiring in favor of a something more easily obtained through Stardocks Impulse or Steam, although I'm not as big a fan of Steam. Or through my local Gamestop or Bestbuy. But then again I like to lay in bed and look at a printed manual too And ultimately if I were given a choice between instant gratification or a nice thick manual to look at and take with me to read at lunch at work I'd probably go with the physical copy, after all it was an article in a gaming mag Tom Vs. Bruce which was written by the author of the Dom3 Manual that got me to look at Dominions 3 in the first place. However with that being said. I'd have also probably paid a bit extra for an Instant digital download + my physical copy of the game.
In the beginning I was completely opposed to the services like Steam and Impulse and was very annoyed that some of them would not allow you to play the games that you had purchased unless you were online and logged into their particular service.
However with that being said I have come to appreciate certain aspects of them. For example I am notorious for loosing old manuals or jewel cases that had my CD key printed on them, and with my purchases from Stardock or Steam even the ones that I physically buy at the store after registering the product I no longer have to worry about loosing the CD Key or even loosing the disc itself because I know that if I ever do I can just log on to my Impulse account (And probably steam too) and it will show all the games I have a right to and I can just re-download the specific game I would like to play again with no fuss. Its really very nice. In fact I'm not sure I could put my hands on my Dom3 manual at the moment were I forced to format my computer or if I were to have a Hard drive failure and I would definitely be wishing I had had an option to register it on a service like Impulse.