Originally Posted by Skirmisher
Sounds/WAV/Cross Sounds 1.0
Installed and the files ended up like above.
Where are they supposed to be to work?
The WAV files should be installed here:
WinSPMBT/Game Data/Sounds
Only install the wav files, don't put the Cross Sounds folder in the Sounds folder.
Make sure you have Cross Sounds 1.0 installed first.
If you are installing Cross Sounds for the first time, I recommend you backup the original sounds folder first. You can backup the sounds folder by:
1. Renaming the Sounds folder to 'original sounds'
2. Create a new folder in 'Game Data' called 'Sounds'.
3. Go into the 'original sounds' folder and Highlight All (Ctrl A) then 'COPY'
4. Go into the newly created and empty 'Sounds' folder, and PASTE.
Installation of Cross Sounds
This mod is a manual install. Three reasons:
1. It's one set of files going to one place.
2. Personally, I don't always trust 'installers' as I like to know what files are going where.
3. It's healthy for more SP players to get a hands on introduction to the sound files in the game.
(double click on any WAV file and your Windows Media Player should play it)
To Install:
1. Unzip the downloaded file and you will find a folder called 'Cross Sounds 1.0 to 1.1'
2. Go into that folder and you will see 25 wav files.
3.Highlight All those files, then 'Copy' them or move them into the 'Sounds' folder then Replace All.
SPMBT gives you the option to use WAV or MP3 sound files. WAV is usually the default, but may depend when you first installed MBT.
If you use WAV, or switch to WAV (which I recommend as it’s better quality) you can install this mod in MBT.
This sound mod is also fully compatible with SPWW2, as MBT and WW2 use the same sounds and sound map. SPWW2 has only ever used WAV files, so no issue there.
To check if your MBT is using WAV or MP3.
Go into your MBT 'Sounds' folder (found in the 'Game Data' folder)
In the 'Sounds' folder is a file called "Sounds.ini"
Right Click on it, and Open with...Notepad
Your MBT uses WAV files if you see something like this:
Your MBT uses MP3 files if you see this:
To change to WAV:
1. Right Click on the "Sounds.ini" file, then RENAME...to something like "MP3sounds.ini". This will stop MBT from using MP3s.
2. Find your backup WAV sounds.ini file.
In the Sounds folder, there is probably another folder called "WAV".
Go into the WAV folder and there should be a WAV 'Sounds.ini' file.
(If you Right Click and Open with...Notepad it should point to WAV files)
3. Move the WAV 'Sounds.ini' file into your 'Sounds' folder.
Make sure it is named 'Sounds.ini'.
You should be all done. MBT will now use WAV files.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you get stuck and we'll try to sort it out. However, I will be away until Sunday PM.
This mod only changes the wav files (actual sounds), so can be installed mid-battle with no PBEM, security or OOB problems.
However, this mod is not endorsed or supported by Shrapnel Games or The Camo Workshop. Here's their advisory on mods:
"This mod contains highly altered or additional files that may or will cause interference with the master game files and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this mod be installed and played ONLY in a separate copy of the game and NOT run from the master game"