Icy Urraparrandv2
Just an ice filled version of Urraparrand. Added some icy sea provinces for a game that I'm hosting to reduce the number of water provinces so that LA R'yleh can be played more reasonably by himself. Still has 24 contiguous water provinces, but they tend to be in a straight line.
Unauthorized map edit by Jazzepi.
Forgot to enable the "wrap around" portion of the wrap around map. Also added no-start locations to the wasteland iced over seas. Correct map is now attached.
Until something else gets sorted out, I created a v2 version to upload to Llamaserver. The icyurraparrand uploaded on Llamaserver does NOT have wrap around enabled. icyurraparrandv2 DOES have it enabled. If you are in the Laurus MP game, download icyurraparrandv2 and extract it into your maps folder.
Last edited by Jazzepi; February 9th, 2009 at 08:30 PM..