Permanent sub needed for MA Ulm, Veritas Game
This is a very interesting game! I would not even be considering a sub right now, except that after over 1.5 years playing this game, I have retired from Dom3 for a while (perhaps permanently). Only this game keeps me here, and I don't think I have the motivation to see this game through to the end. It would not be fair to the other players to continue playing if a sub can be found.
Until last turn, Bandar Log was the clear winner--and Ulm has been at war with him for the last 5 turns or so. And until recently, getting my *** kicked. However, until the war with Bandar Log, Ulm was a clear second in power, arguably even first. And (thanks to some direct, uh, 'diplomacy' on my part--sorry guys ; ) Bandar Log is now at war with all five other players combined. I don't see how he can last much longer; he wasn't winning by *that* much.
The good news: once Bandar Log falls, Ulm will have as much research as all four other players combined! The research is there, and the armies should not be hard to rebuild once Ulm retakes all its lands. Ulm has standard 3-turn NAPs with everyone except Eriu (and that only because Eriu was not my neighbour until last turn), which I believe the other players would still honour. Ulm has one Earth King already, and has had exclusive access for a while now to unique summons and artifacts. Ulm has the only Global currently up (even if it is just the five-astral gem-producing one). Despite the majority of Ulm's smiths out fighting, Ulm is still (slightly) out-researching everyone else. The war with Bandar Log has recently turned around (Earth Attack proved startlingly effective against his Kinnara thugs!), and I would be surprised if he has much of anything left to threaten Ulm with. And that is just what is publicly known; there are some minor surprises I will PM to the person who takes over.
The bad news: Bandar Log spent the first turns of the war beating the crap out of me, and Ulm's lands have been fought over a few times already. Ulm's gem production is annoyingly low--but that seems to be true of everyone this game, so that's not as harsh as it could be. I had the earth-gem-producing global up briefly, but it got dispelled before I could even recoup its cost in gems; net loss there. Ulm's armies are currently very small, mostly consisting of small bits of chaff to protect the battlecasting smiths.
It is still anyone's game, and Ulm has a reasonable chance of winning. If you took over, your first priority would probably be to take back lands lost to Bandar Log and then lick your wounds while watching everyone else devour Bandar Log's corpse, taking only the occasional nibble here and there. If you are interested in leveraging Ulm's late-game strengths, would enjoy a *massive* research advantage, and don't mind rebuilding from a war-weary--but far from crippled!--state...let me know.