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View Poll Results: What's your favorite EA nation?
Arcoscephale 1 1.16%
Ermor 1 1.16%
Ulm 2 2.33%
Maverni 5 5.81%
Sauromatia 10 11.63%
T'ien Chi 5 5.81%
Mictlan 8 9.30%
Abysia 5 5.81%
Caelum 6 6.98%
C'tis 5 5.81%
Pangaea 1 1.16%
Argatha 4 4.65%
Tir na n'Og 3 3.49%
Formoria 3 3.49%
Vanheim 0 0%
Helheim 4 4.65%
Niefelheim 8 9.30%
Kailasa 4 4.65%
Yomi 2 2.33%
Atlantis 1 1.16%
R'lyeh 3 3.49%
Oceania 0 0%
Lanka 5 5.81%
Voters: 86. You may not vote on this poll

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Old July 12th, 2008, 06:40 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: What\'s your favorite nation and why?

LA Agartha can get bloodstones with some work. 3 provinces (5000+ population) with 6 scouts (because they're cheap) in each province, all blood-hunting, taxes at 0%. If you're lucky you'll get maybe 0-20 blood slaves per turn. Then you empower up to Blood-2 on a necromancer and cast Forge of the Ancients to let you make bloodstones; otherwise you have to empower up to Blood-3 or use a Ring of Sorcery or a unique.

If you like LA Agartha you will like Ashdod too. Less fire magic than Agartha but more Death and better at Earthquake (because they have more HP) and Bone Grinding (which is out of reach for Agartha + a bad idea w/ low HP). No Tomb Oracles or Umbrals but some other neat stuff.

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Quick Ben - "lol pwned"

["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]
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