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Old September 27th, 2007, 09:50 AM
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Default Password issue in PBEM

Hi Guys

During a WW2 PBEM my opponent had an issue with the password phase.
I have checked and this applies to MBT as well.

He accidentally did a typo when entering his p/w and then couldn't remember what he'd written.
Anyway, while trying out a bunch of different p/w and trying to save the game he noticed this small bug.
I will cut and paste what he told me....

"I have noticed that on the password screen if
you press a key before clicking the "password" button,
when you then press the "password" button that letter
appears as the first letter of the password. (a slight
bug, try it for yourself.). If you press more than one
key, only the last key pressed appears.
The password screen could also do with a password
check(i.e., retype your password)..."

Perhaps this is how he confused himself
We ended up having to re-set the battle...but I thought that I should mention this as I have not noticed it before nor have I seen a post about it.
Maybe I missed one.
I have checked what he saw and i saw the same thing.

We were using the latest version of WW2, me CD, him DL.
I checked on my CD version of MBT and it happened there also.
Cheers all
Happy gaming.
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Old September 27th, 2007, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: Password issue in PBEM

Once entered the password is shown right there in the middle of the password screen. You therefore have ample opportunity to verify it is as intended or write it down etc. And if not - then correct it. The P/Wd screen is an important part of any PBEM game, so rushing through it is not recommended.

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Old September 27th, 2007, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: Password issue in PBEM

Hi Andy
I agree.
I have never screwed up a password yet.
However, I thought this little glitch may be worth a mention.
The guy I was playing is a new player to the game and obviously got caught out, even when he was being careful.
I basically made the post as a warning to those who PBEM...if it saves one player having to set up, buy and deploy...and waste a couple of days flicking emails around the world...then it was a worthy post.

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Old September 28th, 2007, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Password issue in PBEM

yep - basically, ensure your password is what you expected it to be at that screen before proceeding.

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