Re: Map list?
Yes, there is a list but most people try various numbers then use the ones they like or experiment with the map generator to create a map they like.
The "problem" is each map was designed with specific opponents and locations in mind BUT we also use various maps with different opponents and different locations which generate quite different looking maps. It's one of the strengths of the game but it also means if I tell you map 199 is for the Ukraine you'll wonder what's going on when you set the opponents to Britian vs Italy in September 1942 and enter 199 and you get a desert map and the game will tell you it's the Ukraine. We may have even used that map to give you an desert map under a different name, when it's done in the code we can assign whatever name we like.
If you are set for Canada vs Germany in 1944 and enter 199 you may get a patchy snow version of the Ukraine map. Map 184 was designed as a desert map.... " //184 Brit-Ger Alam Halfa Ridge " but if you are set up as Russia vs German in Febuary 1944 you will get a winter appropriate map and April will give you a green map appropriate to the opponents
So yes, I could issue a list that says what each map is but in some cases what we have down for what they were is years old and if we designed it as a Steppe map but like it as a desert map as well it may appear in more than one way. Toss it into a beach assualt and you gets something new again
It's best to experiment with various opponents and battle locations with the map generator and note which ones you like