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Old August 20th, 2007, 04:22 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Did Passenger handling change in a Patch?

It used to be once you got a passenger, they were with you for the entire game.

I know one of the patches made it so you could remove passengers with the REMV code in a mod.

Did it also change it so you can dump off passengers whenever you want?

Last night, it let me strand Esmeralda on a random planet. (Which felt really good, by the way).

I could dump any passenger (well, her and the Zorg ambassador, anyway, didn't get any others) anywhere EXCEPT homeworlds (which is the one place that would make perfect sense in a Mod).

Was this an intentional change, or is it something screwy with the new mac patch that I should report to the powers that be?

Windows users, can you dump passengers on random planets?
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Old August 20th, 2007, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: Did Passenger handling change in a Patch?

If you want to create a quest that involves dropping someone off at a homeworld, you can now use the REMV command to take them off your ship. I don't think you should be able to drop them off otherwise, but I'd have to check. It's been a while since I last worked on this, there might be a reason for this behavior that I don't remember.
Old August 20th, 2007, 05:14 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: Did Passenger handling change in a Patch?

Definitely couldn't drop them off this way pre-patch. Thanks for the info.
WW:RTIS & modding: http://transitivegaming.blogspot.com...abel/WW%3ARTIS
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