Losing all crew quarters: 1/2 movement
Losing bridge: 1/2 movement
Losing lifesupport: 1/4 movement
Note: speed is always rounded
IIRC, the Auxiliary control only replaces the bridge during combat. Outside of combat you still lose the movement.
Is there any value to building masses of small classed combat ships as opposed to just a few large, well equiped ones for your fleets?
In most mods (& Classic SE4), no. Battlecruisers are the largest vehicles with full movement speed, so they are usually the smallest ships built.
The smaller hulls do have a slight defense bonus, but you get fewer weapons & shields for the money you spend.
In a mod with Quasi-Newtonian Propulsion, smaller ships are much more useful. Larger ships have to spend more space on engines, so the usefulness is reasonably balanced.
Compare two LCs with a Battleship. Under QNP, they can have the same speed, same weapons, same defenses.
- BB has larger mounts, for more damage
- LCs have a better size-based dodging ability
- BB dosent get hurt until all defenses are destroyed.
- One LC could be crippled while the other is undamaged: you lose firepower before all your defenses are breached.