I am still slogging through my long campaign, now May 42 in NA vs. the Brits. I am curious as to comments from those experienced about minor ally choices for some auxilliary units. I have found some intersting choices, albiet not purely historical:
Finns (in the Desert - I know):
The late T-34 - its a T34-42 with the better 76mm!
120mm Mortars (available before the German 120s)
Their arterillary packages are cheaper for mass barraging with fair ammo loadouts. Less concerned on crew quality as I use my German arty for counterbty.
81mm Mortar - Same ammo loadout with much better range!
Japan (again in the desert

90mm Mortar - better range also
150mm mortar - maybe a waste of points, but I like bigger booms.
What do others use?