
December 10th, 2006, 10:38 AM
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WW = 15-minutes game?!
Please, explain me, because I maybe missing something: what's good in the game which actually ends in 15-20 mins?
The 30-years restriction kills everything and makes game TOTALY pointless. Is there any mod that makes game endless or at least removes timeframe?
I am really confused...

December 10th, 2006, 02:21 PM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
ever play solitare, mine sweeper, any given popcap game, maj-jong(solitare version)?
That's the point, most space exploration games are overcomplicated massive time invested "epics" that take days or months of play time to beat, here's one you can play start to finish in 1 sitting, it's different every time, randoly generated, just complex enough to keep it interesting but not so complicated it mires itself down. It beats the hell out of solitare or minesweeper as a way to kill more then 10-40 minutes.
There are mods that increase the time limit, and you can do it yourself by tweaking the files.

December 11th, 2006, 02:11 AM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
The point of a game that ends in 15-30 minutes is so you can play the game in 15-30 minutes. Then, if you still have nothing else to do, you can play the game again. And again, and again.

December 12th, 2006, 04:53 AM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
This game is all about being quick and short, it's acutally its USP.
Look for other games in this genre (such as Space Rangers 2) if you want a single game to last weeks of your real life.

December 16th, 2006, 05:07 PM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
Want a longer game go to Weird World/default/gamedata/game.cfg open with notepad, go to near the bottom where it shows the months, and put an extra zero after each of the numbers ie Jan 310, Feb 280, etc.. then you just increased the length of one month by a factor of 10. More than enough to do anything.
However there really isn't THAT much to do in the game that requires that much time, this isn't a 4x type of space game. Combat is the best part of the game IMO, you can get that with a simulator, unsure if you can set up the weapons though.

December 16th, 2006, 07:21 PM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
For a 15 - 30 minute long game, I think that Weird Worlds is 'almost' faultless.
Could just do with a few more things to discover to really get the feeling of almost infinite space.
Can you imagine playing a game of minesweeper that just went on for days, required multiple save points? No, neither can I. Well OK, I can, but it wouldn't be much fun would it?

February 27th, 2007, 10:29 PM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
If you want a more prolonged space opera game may i suggest dowlnoading "The Urquan Masters".
Its a fan recreation of an old game, and totally free.
The best one is still "Starflight" in my humble opinion, even if REALLY shows age. The plotline is unparalelled.

March 1st, 2007, 07:49 PM
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Re: WW = 15-minutes game?!
I've got a copy of Ur-Quan Masters, and quite enoyed the little I played with it.
Kept being killed by some crystal looking things while in deep space.
They were annoying :-(
Might have to have another look at whilst waiting for the Weird Worlds upgrade to come out for the Mac ;-)
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