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Old February 1st, 2007, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: Delay

I've just realised that Fire Resistance doesn't work against Phoenix Pyre dammage. (11 mages lost to learn that)

Unbelievable when you look at the stats, the Machakan Empire is not far to be defeated, the Golden Age has ended, there are riots in the streets in half our cities, there are so many revolters that ennemy spies can't be found even by our professionnal patrolers, even without taxes unrest continue to increase. We have to pillage former Arco's provinces or change our fire gems to have some money to spend, and with his new tactic, to use only trolls and other tough units and cast several earthquakes in each battle, Man may kill all the mages we engage, and can't replace, with minimal losses.

Anyway Machaka will fight till the end, and we'll take at least Hadrian II with us in the grave.
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Old February 1st, 2007, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: Delay

Well Arco is far From Beaten, we might have lost our first army, but we are regenerating fast and in the next turn you might see your first big defeat in this game.
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Old February 1st, 2007, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Delay

Hadrian_II said:
Well Arco is far From Beaten, we might have lost our first army, but we are regenerating fast and in the next turn you might see your first big defeat in this game.
Arco, I (Man) have a economic stranglehold on Machaka, that grows tighter every month. It is a slow but irresistable strategy. So take care, only pick battles you are 100% certain to win, do not give Machaka any opportunity to break free of my vice like grip!

I have tried hard to relieve the pressure on you by sending raiding forces into Machaka lands, so far I have burned 3 heathen temples to the ground, those raids will esculate in nature, causing chaos in his empire. My military will press into his outer border, troll kings Wham, Bam and Thankyoumam struck but the 1st devestating blow. Crash, Bang and Wallop will follow up.

Strike him with mind hunts (kill his leaders), blights, locust swarms, anything that will hurt him money wise and in the long run, perhaps many months/years from now victory will be ours...
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Old February 7th, 2007, 07:40 AM
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Default A sad ending...

Well, thats a poor ending...

Just as I had Machaka on the ropes as well...

I wonder who would have won?
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Old February 7th, 2007, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: A sad ending...

It looks like the 3.06 problem, all players and the host must use the same version or the game is crashed (according to some comments in the patch thread).

Ulm was going to win IMO.

ps : Weren't backups supposed to be kept since the stales problem ?

pps : I had a good fire gems production with lots of fetishes + an alchemist I may have continued many turns even with low income (and more if I could take Arco cities), and was preparing an ethearal army (and gathering magus to BE my mages) to counter the earthquakes squad, I was also going to have evocation 9 for the next battles. You would probably have won our war economically after 10-15 more turns anyway, but not without new huge losses.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 10:05 AM
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Default Re: A sad ending...

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Old February 7th, 2007, 10:08 AM
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Default Re: A sad ending...

Twan said:
It looks like the 3.06 problem, all players and the host must use the same version or the game is crashed (according to some comments in the patch thread).

Ulm was going to win IMO.

ps : Weren't backups supposed to be kept since the stales problem ?

pps : I had a good fire gems production with lots of fetishes + an alchemist I may have continued many turns even with low income (and more if I could take Arco cities), and was preparing an ethearal army (and gathering magus to BE my mages) to counter the earthquakes squad, I was also going to have evocation 9 for the next battles. You would probably have won our war economically after 10-15 more turns anyway, but not without new huge losses.

I agree, this sounds like a 3.06 problem. I sent Adam my turns this turn using 3.04 and 3.06 just in case.

I assumed you had plans a foot, that was why I was moving slowly with caution, so that you would only destroy 1 of my armies/strategys.

I had well over 100 bards... Plus lots of other stealth hit squads.

Also I had the fever fetish farming going as well...

Behind my trolls I had another army with a completely different strategy.

And behind that I had another army with another different strategy.

And I was also building a 4th, I kid you not, army with still yet another idea I had.

I underestimated you once Twan, so I was going for total overkill...

I agree, however, that with his huge gem income Ulm/Solo would have probably won.

Any truth to the rumour that you were near casting wish, Solo?
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Old February 7th, 2007, 12:06 PM

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Default Re: A sad ending...

That is sad that the game must end this way.

I was not about to cast Wish, but was just about ready to include Eternal Pyre among my group of globals.

I stayed busy forging magic items while claiming the seas with Living Statues. I had many of the uniques, and several copies of Wing of Wizardy, etc.

With magic items coming so cheaply, I forged about 20 pairs of Eyes of Aiming and Etheral Crossbows, while being besieged by the Jotun woodsmen. I also gave 20 of my Dwarven Smiths a pair of Earth Boots, allowing them all to cast Blade Wind.

When the Jotun decided to storm my castle, they were in for a bit of a surprise! Had they decided to do so many turns earlier, the outcome might have been in their favor as their bless made them very formidable opponents earlier in the game.

The trick for me was to survive long enough to make my gem income and forging advantage pay off. Other players were off to a much faster start, and I was very happy not to be one of their early neighbors!
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Old February 7th, 2007, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: A sad ending...

As this game was my first multiplayer game i learned a lot and to the end i might be able to defeat machakas armys, i had now 6 fully equipped firbolt thugs (flaming sword, charcoal shield luck and more) so i might been able to slay his annoing mages.

too bad i cant see this battle
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Old February 7th, 2007, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: A sad ending...

It might have been a problem or not I was expecting rain and wasn't going to use lots of fire spells, mostly destruction and blade wind for the hoplites + the usual storm of thorns spaming and all archers on fire large monsters to rout the elephants, with about 160 souless as meatshield before my men. I may have killed 75% of the troops before the thugs reach the mages (...or not).
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