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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp

Huzurdaddi, let's tone down on the name calling a bit. Frank Trollman is a decent guy and a good player, and does not deserve some of the stuff your throwing at him.

As far as how you feel about me. I could care less. You can insult me until your fingers fall off and it will not phase me. That is one of the perks of being heartless and evil.

I recommend you save and channel your anger towards me in the game, if I am able to get in /Fingers crossed
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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp

Foodstamp said:
Huzurdaddi, let's tone down on the name calling a bit. Frank Trollman is a decent guy and a good player, and does not deserve some of the stuff your throwing at him.

As far as how you feel about me. I could care less. You can insult me until your fingers fall off and it will not phase me. That is one of the perks of being heartless and evil.

I recommend you save and channel your anger towards me in the game, if I am able to get in /Fingers crossed
Since you pretty much profess to being an [censored], I don't know what your claim of "decent guy" really amounts to. And as for being a good player, I highly doubt that considering his post content.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:37 PM

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Default Hate the mod , not the player!

Lets just let the host decide and leave it at that.

That way if someone doesn't like the setup, they just don't play that game and wait for a game start more to their liking.

If you hate a mod that much though you should not get into the game when there is a chance it might be a part of that game. Pretty obvious.

We can discuss merits of the various mods on the appropriate threads, hopefully without attacking personally the people who take the time to make these mods ( and maps) for all of us.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp


When your an agent of evil, you have a knack for picking out the decent people and marking them for destruction. That is how I am able to discern that he is a nice guy.

As far as you calling me names that require a [censored], and Huzurdaddi insinuating things about me, I chalk that up to the anonymity of the internet.

The internet is the perfect medium for cowards to lament and slander other people. I doubt you would say whatever your [censored] remark is to my face if we were in the same room, and I doubt Huzurdaddi would talk to Frank Trollman face to face in such a fashion if they were within a few feet of one another. That is why I take what you say with a grain of salt.

Lighten up and remember why we are here, to discuss dominions and try to set up multiplayer games.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:47 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp

If I was in any wish to disguise who or how I am on the internet, I wouldn't use my real life pic as my avatar. =P And censored was just calling you an *** mixed with another word anyway. Which is what you admitted to. As for using the internet as a medium for cowards to make themselves look big, I'm always amused by someone tossing this term out because quite often it's usually just pointing the finger at themselves.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 10:56 PM

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Default Re: foodstamp

I would just like to point out that charges of 'CB is buggy and broken' seem to be based on beta versions, rather than 1.0. I am not in fact aware of any bugs that have been reported for version 1.0, and it even fixes a couple of minor base game bugs.

On the subject of the supposed overbalanced bless pretenders, as has been pointed out, the paths like blood and death have very poor effects compared to those like water and fire. Further, the boosts to the pretenders are very hard to use while also making use of a high bless, the intention with the changes is to open up new strategic options for the chassises.

I'd also like to point out, that while veteran players have voiced various annoyances with CB, they almost universally fall into the category of 'finding a change annoying/disruptive to a particular strategy' as opposed to 'creates a major imbalance', as some in this thread seem to imply.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 11:03 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp


If that is your real life pic, I can guarantee you will only call me names from the safety of the internet.

As far as me being evil or whatever. I figured the sarcasm would be obvious since it was in response to Huzurdaddi telling me that the forum hates me or whatever else he was insinuating.

In game and on these forums I have been atleast as helpful as anyone else and I refuse to lower myself to the white trash level of name calling to get my point across that some of you deem appropriate to defend and/or criticize a stupid mod.

The bottom line is this. If you like the mod, play with it. If you don't like the mod, don't play games with it.

If it is going to make your Epeen bigger, keep calling me names for all I care, you have no insight into my life beyond these forums. And I guarantee it will not anger me, so keep them coming!
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Old February 4th, 2007, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp

Foodstamp said:

If that is your real life pic, I can guarantee you will only call me names from the safety of the internet.

Who's exactly using the safety of the internet and stroking their epenis with a post like that?

You'll note I have called you no names in any of my posts. Except that I have pointed out you ADMIT to being an *** and thus your opinion of anyone being a "decent guy" isn't regarded as highly. As for your assumption, you can make it as you will. As I've said, personally I find it more ironic that you attempt to make statements to make YOUR "epenis" seem bigger since you're the one making all these assertions about everyone else's personal life. If you assume you won't get the same reaction from people to things you say if you said them offline, then you need to go outside more.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: foodstamp

double post ...
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Old February 4th, 2007, 11:10 PM

Izzyz Izzyz is offline
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Default Re: foodstamp

Way to go on respecting the host's wish for civility, guys. As per Sheap:

Tip 1: Code of personal conduct.
1) Don't berate the other players.
2) Do remember to draw a clear distinction between your in-game (role playing) persona and your out of game self. This is especially important if you are planning on lying and backstabbing.
3) Keep the wall between the game and the forums/real world. Someone can be a colossal jerk in the game without being one in reality. As long as they follow rule #2, this is perfectly fine.

While Frank's opinion could have been stated (much) more diplomatically, calling on him to shoot himself in the face is way over the top. He gets my kudos for not responding in kind. And as for his caliber of play, I should point out that another thread just voted him the most dangerous player on the forum.
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