Gandalf, perhaps my post is a bit of a joke. I have a few minutes to kill while eating lunch and I DO NOT have any MP games available where I can submit a turn.
So I thought I might put on my pointy hair hat and kill a few moments.
Your idea is interesting... and I know it has been talked about before with having an AI fill in temporarly for a stalled player. So to possibly bring "value" back to the thread maybe that is an area of discussion.
Even if you were only able to que up troops, or tell the AI somehow hire mage commanders and set them research while you are away it would be useful. You would still be hurting badly by missing early turns, but later in the game if you are not actively at war you might do just fine missing a few turns this way.
What would be really GREAT is if you could set yourself to this mode manually (toggle it on or off). If you know you won't be able to take turns due to a vacation or other commitment you can turn yourself to autopilot. Then you don't need to find a temp player or make everyone else in the game wait for the timer to run out before a new turn is generated.
Perhaps that is a more reasonable request then my initial one.

OF course if Illwinter does want to implement my orginal idea I would not complain.