Re: High Moral
99 morale means that those unit had gone berserk, eitheir because of a spell, or because of a nature 9 bless
Those units fight until death, sometimes even after their side has routed (I already won a lost battle that way : my berserking units managing to make the enemy attacking army rout too, meaning I kept my province as the battle was a draw)
Note that units with morale 50 are also immune to standard morale checks (undeads, golems, ...), so you must eitheir kill them all, or kill/rout their commanders first.
Versus small armored berserk units (as Abysia a good heavy infantry), normal bows won't do much damage.
With Man, your longbowmen are better, and have good precision, but they're not supposed to kill the ennemy by themselves, only to weaken it before your knights or wardens make the killing blow
Just make sure your melee fighters are numerous or good enought to win the fight by themselves, with maybe a little support for your mages (high precision mages and spells helps a lot - with man, some lightnings will help you)
Wardens, especially if you have a good bless, with their greatsword, do enought damage to hadle well other heavy infantry, so this shouldn't be a problem. Add some knights or knights of avalon in flanking position, and you should crush them without problem.