I am interested in any Non-Eastern or Western Front match up. I would prefer outside of the ETO and an earlier time frame. Nomonhan, Manchuria, Italians in the desert, Italians/French in Africa, Thai, Spain, Tankettes, 81/37 gun mortars, pack mules, FT-18, UK/Fre/It vs a colony. Basically - if the conflict would make an interesting backdrop for an Indiana Jones movie - I'm up for it.
I'm not totally against east/west front but I'm more interested in edge cases like Romanians vs Russian, Dutch vs German, Sweden vs Ger or Rus, Partisans vs whoever, Anglo-German - 1935, US vs anyone 1930's (Case Red), Newfoundland secession wars etc.
Oh and no bigger than battalion level.
No too picky am I?