OK, now I'm going to complicate things even more for you.
First, the SHP file has to be set up to be turreted or not in the game code. That info can be found by opening WINSPMBT_MasterIconList.txt ( or SPWW2-MasterIcon.txt for WinSPWW2 ) and looking for a file that has a set of sequential numbers like this example
{7456, 7457}, //1074. M60A3 Plow (UN / Winter White)
when you see something like this it's set up to work as a turreted Icon ---7456 would be the hull and 7457 is the turret but.......
this is important ......
Those numbers are GAME CODE. It's what the
game reads to find an Icon. 74 is the SHP file number and 56 is fifty sixth spot in the file as read by the game to view the hull...IN THE GAME
..... if you open up SHPfile 74 with shpedit and enter 56 in the Image number window you will NOT find M60A3 Plow (UN / Winter White) hull. You will find {7454, 7455}, //1073. M60A3 Plow (desert) hull and the reason for that is......
1] The game counts spots in a SHP file from zero and Shpedit counts from 1
2} The game ignores the first file in a SHP file and starts reading the file AFTER the first slot AS ZERO
This means if you want to find an Icon in the game with SHPEdit you need to add 2 to whatever number you find in WINSPMBT_MasterIconList.txt. That M60A3 Plow (UN / Winter White) hull would be in slot 58 to SHPEdit
so, if you are looking for
{7400, 7401}, //1046. M60 -green
you would type 2 into SHPEdit to find the hull and 3 to find the turret.
It's second nature after you've done it for 8 years or so
As to your other questions if you are looking for a non turreted slot you would look for something like this...
{5700, -1}, //3100.
-1 = no turret
If you are looking for an Invisible turret ( for AAMG's etc ) you can use a regular turreted Icon slot then make a BMP for a SHP file with a single pixel used in the upper left corner as the turret OR you can find a file I set up specifically with the invisible turret already assigned to slot 6976 like this...
Icon 0059 ************************************************** ***********************************
// Invisible turrets for Icons with AAMG's on non turreted vehicles ONLY.
{5900,6976}, //3300.