
September 23rd, 2006, 02:05 AM
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Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV Demo
In my game, I have a 4K net gain in organics every turn. I found myself at 0 resources for organics so I turned off construction for a number of items that were using organics. The very next turn I was at 50000 organics?????
Also what is the fastest and more reliable way to upgrade a fleet of ships that are all the same ship design to an upgraded design?
Is there an easy way to upgrade the ships when you have a mixed group of versions of the same size ship?
In SEIV you could easily identify what design each ship was, and you could select multiple ships of the same design and retrofit all of them at once. Can you do this in SE V?

September 23rd, 2006, 03:19 AM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
Net gain is how much you gain after all expenses... so if you have a lot of farms, and shut off a good deal of production, it could easily hit 50k in one turn.
In the demo I think you can only retrofit one ship at a time, which kind of sucks and should be changed if possible.

September 23rd, 2006, 03:48 AM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
There is a bug somewhere in the reporting/calculating of resource production/expenses... I always seem to run out of organics and radioactives unless I intentionally build "too many".

September 23rd, 2006, 09:06 AM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
My issue is along the lines of MasterChiToes.
As I said, my net gain is 4k a turn. It is impossible for me to fill my organics.

September 23rd, 2006, 12:30 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
Keep in mind that in the demo version, the budget screen ONLY considers the first item in each queue when calculating the expected expenditures.
This means expenses are almost always higher than reported.
Things you want:

September 23rd, 2006, 04:11 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
I'm not constructing enough stuff to take my organic storage from 50K to 11k in 2-3 turns.
I also can't fill 50K of storage with organics within ONE round, if I'm only netting 4K a round.

September 25th, 2006, 01:39 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
This happens to me too, but usually with Radioactives:
Turn x - Rad = 30,000 stock + 1200
Turn x+1 Rad = 31,200 stock + 500
Turn x+2 Rad = 31,700 stock - 200
Turn x+3 Rad = 0 STOCK! - 200
"Warning, queue could not complete due to lack of resources" ad nausuem
It has lasted anywhere from 1 to 5 turns, than BAM! I have around 27,000 Rad again, and its all back to normal for a while.
I have screenshots if needed.

September 25th, 2006, 03:32 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
You got hit by the "Let's 'borrow' their resources, and give it back after we're done with them. They won't notice a thing." intel project. Obviously your empire discovered it, but not in time to stop it from happening. 

September 25th, 2006, 04:09 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
NullAshton said:
You got hit by the "Let's 'borrow' their resources, and give it back after we're done with them. They won't notice a thing." intel project. Obviously your empire discovered it, but not in time to stop it from happening.
Seriously? For real? If so, thats one MIGHTY powerful Intel project so early in the game... Also, shouldn't I get some kind of warning?

September 25th, 2006, 04:19 PM
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Re: Organics disappearing and reappearing?? SEV De
I believe he is joking. =)
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