A thousand pardons if someone posted this already, but with all the hysteria around here recently it's hard to keep up with every post. SFI has updated the release of SE:V to 2006-10-16. Hope all them bugs get squashed quick...
Vogon ships are yellow chunky slablike somethings, huge as office buildings, silent as birds. They hang in the air in much the same way that bricks don't.
(R.I.P. Douglas Adams)
-War is peace -Freedom is slavery -Ignorance is strength
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility.
- W. Shakespeare (Henry V)
Of course, it's also just after my birthday. Yeah!! I know what one of my presents is!!!
Nick (bearclaw)
You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master.
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescitis
A+ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr- C+ Csp Sf* AuO M++ MpTFdAM St RTNH Pw++ Fq++ Nd++ Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb++ L+ Tcp-