Re: major mistake in Romanian OOB
You dont "erase" any "useless" stuff, not unless you are willing to check each and every scenario, including those in user campaigns, just in case that unit has been used. And even if you get all the official scenarios and campaigns - some third party scenario or user campaign may well have used that unit.
If you have any further suggestions,, feel free to add them to an appropriate thread.
Whenever we get round to the MBT patch (which wil likely be 3+ months or so from now, we are taking a break), we will look at these and if they seem reasonable and are supported by facts (websites, etc) they may get into the patch. But we will not be getting into any blow-by-blow detailed discussions about any such requests.
Or, you can produce your own edited OOB and post it here, as many have done. However, we will not be going through such OOBs ourselveslooking for changes (it's simply too much effort to pick through an undocumented end-user OOB, quite frankly).