Nerfix said:
F�rl�t mig, jag talar och skrivar bara d�lig svensk. Vad menar "all makt �t folket" i engelska?
Jag t�nker, att 'makt' �r 'might' i engelska. Jag vet inte, om Kristoffer menar att vi skulle hj�lpa Folket att g�ra hans 'ninja scrool total conversion' eller om han menar, att vi skulle 'use might' eller vara 'violent' �t han.
For all you false believers who don't know Swedish, the Language of the Cryphic Error Messages -

. Your loss.
Heja Sverige!
I think he means that we should help Folket, not hurl giant boulders at him in our Scandinavian fury. I'm not quite sure about the interpretation, though, and it might still change...