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Old April 11th, 2006, 02:37 PM
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Default How do you pronounce the races?

I'm kinda curious... in MOO2, I always talked about the "Sack-ruh" and the "Mursh-ens", until I found out from MOO3 (ech) that the "proper" pronunciations were "Suh-Kraw" and "Mur-Shawn"... So how do you pronounce the various SE races?

Amonkrie = Am-in-kree (accent on the "kree", much like "Amun-Ra")
Xiati = Zye-at-eee (as in "Encounter at Virumque", with accent on the "at")
Piundon = Pyun-don
Sallega = Sell-egg-uh (accent on the "egg")
Norak = Nor-ack (accent on the "nor")
Sergetti = Sir-get-eee (similar to "spaghetti"... will "Sergetti Spaghetti" become a new Phong's Head fad menu item? )
Drushocka = Drew-shock-uh (accent on the "shock")
XiChung = Zee-Chung (both syllables accented roughly equally)
Fazrah = Faz-ruh (accent on the "faz")
Toltayan = Tole-tuh-yann (accent on the "tole")

The rest are either fairly obvious or I forgot about them

edit: oh, how could I forget the Jraenar (Jray-nar, sounds sort of like "Drano")???
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Old April 11th, 2006, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

Hmm, how to make pronunciation explicitly clear... Pronounce each dash-separated part as the word/prefix/suffic/whatever that it would be in isolation.

Amonkrie = Am-un-cry
Xiati = Zee-ah-tea
Piundon = Pee-un-dun
Sallega = Sal-ay-guh
Norak = Nor-ack
Sergetti = Sir-get-eee
Drushocka = Drew-shock-uh
XiChung = Zee-Chung
Fazrah = Faz-ruh
Toltayan = Tole-tay (rhymes with say)-an
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Old April 11th, 2006, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

As the french I am will do:
Amonkrie = 'Am-on(as in bomb)-kry [Amhoncri in french way]
Xiati = Gzy-'a-ty
Piundon = Py-oun-'don(as in bomb)
Sallega = Sal-le-ga (a bit like sa-leg-a) [Sal�ga]
Norak = Nor-'ack
Sergetti = 'Ser-get-y [s�rj�ti]
Drushocka = 'Drew-sho-ca [drouchoca]
XiChung = 'gzi-shoung [xichoung]
Fazrah = 'Faz-ra (fazra)
Toltayan = Tol'ta�ahn
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Old April 11th, 2006, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

Amonkrie = ah-mon-KREE
Xiati = hard to describe the phonetics here... the Xi part I pronounce like how Chinese is transliterated to Xi... so kinda like ksi-AH-ti
Piundon = PEE-un-don
Sallega = sal-LEG-ah
Norak = NOR-ack
Sergetti = SER-jet-ti
Drushocka = drew-SHOWK-ah
XiChung = same Xi as from Xiait; ksi-CHUNG
Fazrah = FAZ-rah
Toltayan = tol-TAY-an
Jraenar = juh-RAY-nar
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Old April 11th, 2006, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

I made up a new phonetic sound for Xiati. You smush the x and the i together. Slowed down it would sound like

Ex-Eye-A(short A sound, like in cat)-Tee

but I make the Ex-Eye into one syllable. The X isn't completely pronounced and it sounds kind of like a hiss that turns into an I.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

The EEE: Earl Grey
The Pretorians (or some such): the Scarlet(t) Fireflies
The Jraenar: Traitors 'n Renegades
The Crystallines: The thorns in the back
The Norak: Niet, Nietzsche!

What do you mean, I missed the point altogether? I can't say I have ever tried to pronounce those names, so I would probably settle for the first thing that crosses my head... or a mixture of various languages, more likely.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

Amonkrie = Ah-monn-kree
Xiati = Zee-ahtee
Piundon = Pay-un-don
Sallega = Sell-ee-gah
Norak = Norack (plain and simple)
Sergetti = Seyr-get-tee
Drushocka = Droo-shocka
XiChung = Zee-Choong
Fazrah = Fazrah
Toltayan = Toll-tay(as in pay)-ehn
Jraenar = roughly, "Jiraynar"
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Old April 11th, 2006, 05:01 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

Does nobody else pronounce the "Jr" as a single sound in Jraenar? Almost like the "dr" in drum (or perhaps dram to keep with a similar "a" vowel for the entire syllable), but with a "j" subtly modifying it.

Something like: "DRAY-nar"

It doesn't seem to me that pronounciations like "juh-RAY-nar" make much sense, as they are adding an extra vowel sound not present in the word, when you can pronounce the "jr" fairly easily. YMMV
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Old April 11th, 2006, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

A-mon-kree. Cause it rhymes with monkey. Other than that, I havn't really thought about it.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: How do you pronounce the races?

Well, I don't really put a vowel in the juh, it's just the only way I could think of to put it. It's more like the sound you make when you're first learning the alphabet. "J as in j- juh- jump". It's like the first sound there, where you're saying the letter's sound, but just letting it trail off without adding the vowel. Now slam an accented RAY right next to it. juh-RAY-nar. It's basically close enough that you could consider it a single syllable.
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