Heh, you're right... you have that all-important server in your garage... and you have no idea how it works!
Say... my brother lives in Dayton... you live in Dayton... I live in Cincinnati... there have got to be other SE fans in the area (ok, my brother doesn't play SE, but he's a more likely way to get my dad to take me to Dayton other than "hang out with people I met online playing this computer game"
)... I know a while back there was a convention in Columbus or somewhere where Shrapnel had a booth; I wish I could have made it there to meet up with you and all the other cool people in the community... I was just thinking maybe it would be neat if we could have some sort of Ohio Space Empires get-together, maybe to celebrate when SE5 finally comes out... LAN games ahoy!
(Heh, not to shove my foot in your door - I'm not saying you have to host anything like this, but I might as well bring it up in case you or anyone else in the area is interested in such an idea...
Perhaps now we will find out the ultimate truth... how the others pronounce "Drushocka"!!!
"I wanna be the Drew-shockah!" "The what?" "The Drew-shockah! You know, the silicony green guys?" "Oh, the Drush-o-caw? No, ancient treaties stipulate that the Drush-o-caw belong to me." "Hey, are you guys fighting over who gets to be the Drew-so-kay??? It doesn't matter, I claim the Zye-att-eee." "The WHAT???" "The Zye-att-eee, the cybernetic timelords!" "You mean the Icks-eye-uh-tie? Or are you talking about the insectoid Zee-Chung?" "The Kye-Toon? Doesn't ANYONE here know Chinese?!?"