By going on the way thing look in this forum though I did repost the file with the update it does not appear in the forum list as this thread having attached files. SO to make it conform to thread appearance I have re attached the file here.
Actually I did not realise you could do that before.
Just a few things I have been working on for my own interest but it seems thye may be of some use to others.
1. Updated the "IconAll_WinSPMBT.csv" file and it now includes SHP file reference and Hull/Turret icon values as well as the value for SHPEdit. Its a bit big unzipped.
(included that here).
Also if you want all the icon detail on each line let me know its just a line of code to change.
Corrected file next post. Sorry about that
2. Out on a small website at:
you will find stuff for SPWAW as well as way down at the bottom of the page a small zipfile for a couple of programs for SPWW2 and WinSPMBT. These are called :
With these take note I have NOT provided in-program checks on formation structures etc. I am looking at something to do this as well as cross check unit use/allocation in formation. But that is a later, not now thing.
I have put this here as some may not have seen the posts at SZO.