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Old January 1st, 2006, 02:46 AM

Harpoon Harpoon is offline
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Default Opponent Wanted

Happy Holidays All

I'm looking for a PBEM game.


Nationality: USSR( me) vs any Nato country (you)
Period: about 1985
Points: about 8000
Type: meeting engagement

Note: Since I'm playing USSR I would perfer 15% more points then Nato. Somewhat realistic for the time period.

All settings are negotiable.

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Old January 1st, 2006, 03:40 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Opponent Wanted

Hi, just wondering, why is 15% points for USSR more realistic for the time period? I can see why the USSR should have superior numbers but you get that by either buying cheaper equipment (not very hard) than the NATO opponent or by making it a NATO delay/defend USSR advance/assault. That would be more realistic right?
Points is not the same as units.

If you want realism you might want to try forces based on actual formations of the period. For example you take an actual USSR division and get it's TO&E for the period. Take a battallion from that division as your core force and get it exactly as it was. For a meeting engagement you take support forces from regimental assets down only (for example add a tank company from the BTR regiments tank battallion to your BTR battallion), for advances vs delays from divisional level down and for assaults vs defends you can go up to army level assets.

Now if your opponent does the same for his NATO troops you get a realistic game. If you're intersted in this, here's some links that give some info on fomations for that period:

NATO 1989:

Part of USSR forces 1988:

I've done similar forces for SPWW2 games I've played and it's worth the effort, it's great fun.

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Old January 4th, 2006, 10:20 PM

Cameronius Cameronius is offline
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Default Re: Opponent Wanted

I'll play you at 15% handicap. I'll be W.Germany. I've never played PBEM before so you may have to walk me through it.
Double tap, Dash, Down, Crawl, Observe, Locate the Enemy and Return Fire.
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Old January 27th, 2006, 02:22 AM

c_of_red c_of_red is offline
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Default Re: Opponent Wanted

If you have TacOps, the manual has the TO&E's for Warsaw pact and US force of that approximate period. Keep in mind that Doctrine produced two entirely different things on the Battalion level. A better and more accurate match up would be a Soviet Motor Rifle Regiment vs a NATO Battalion sized task force. The Soviets consider a Battalion as part of a Regiment and not a manuver element on it's own. NATO battalions are manuver elements. SP really isn't all that well suited for operational level battles, which is what you are fighting when you start moving Divisional sized formations around. TOAW and or SP3 would be better for that.
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