Company/Bn level game doesn't need individual soldiers and assault rifles/LMGs modelled either. Or hit percentages for individual M203 grenade against a sniper... But that just makes it stand out, right? No one loved the fact that they could run a bn in SP1. There were many games that let you do it. It was the little things that made it so good compared to others.
Now shot will in most cases have absolutely no effect or lethal effect. The "in-between" seems to be missing. I believe you when you say it's the US Army model. They have their things when talking about companies and battalions - as they should! But in this game it's INDIVIDUAL vehicles. Not platoons or companies where these little things are not so important. SP3 made it clear that it was a bit over complex, but there normal units were platoons - 30-50 men, 3-5 tanks... and still had SP2 mechanics for most of the things.
What I think is over-complex is that driver gets killed/loader gets killed, left track is lost, crew's personal equipment got hit, they catch cold before next fight because the heater in the tank is broken and their tent is destroyed, a round gets stuck in the MG3 and it takes 2 minutes 7 seconds to remove it etc... All these things would need all new unit data which would make it too complex. But if a tank has IR equipment, it can also be removed, right? Same with stab value, it can be zeroed... Or a weapon in slot x can be removed. Smoke discharger value can be changed. It's all there! Doesn't it speak against your argument? VIRSS or ARENA in co/bn level game? Armour values for anti-heat and anti KE? These things do not matter that much in co/bn level. You could have armour values like "light, medium, heavy, extra heavy", but you don't... I remember back in the days when it was important if AMX-30 had 13 or 14 side turret armour (not real values I know, but just an example

. Why was it relevant? Is it relevant? Does it matter on bn level?
Like in infantry, you "modelled" wounded and killed as "casualty". That's better than x wounded, x killed and x lost their nerves and duck in grenade-hole...
But for tanks it would make sence. One tank is a squad. If you compare the vehicle damagemodel you have now to the infantry, it would be:
-all alive
-half dead
-all dead
...for infantry as it's for tanks. And with pistol you could not kill marines, but only militia. etc...
But now you can take out one man out of 13. Does it matter? Of course it does! Because if you take 2 out or 3, then the squad is not as effective anymore! But does it matter on bn level? I don't think so. There it would be more like: 3rd platoon/2. Coy has 15% casualties. They have depleted 50% of theit ammo. But now it makes a difference in the game if your 2nd squad/1st platoon has depleted its LMG ammo?!?
Does it have effect on the platoon, if 1 out of 3 tanks can only move half the speed the others, or it has vision 0 when others have 40? Does it have effect on company, if one platoon cannot keep up with the others because of the limping tank? Or one platoon cannot fight at night, because 2 out of 3 of them lost their IR systems in a rocket run? And the co commander cannot contact them??? -Now you can severely cripple a infantry company by dealing small damage to its squads by using pistols or close-combat. But with new tanks it's more like on/off or ok/killed, because only penetrations deal real damage and only big guns with decent Sabot-round penetrate.
With -little- more complex system it makes it more interesting... Same with group weapons like HMGs and ATGMs. They are bunched up so if they get hit, more casualties are likely to happen. Isn't this a bit complex for co/bn level? Still it is in the game and makes it more interesting...
The model you have now makes aircraft rocket runs ineffective vs. tanks, because the HE rockets will not penetrate. OK, no effect at all. Same with A/C autocannon. It also makes new tanks invulnerable vs. older ATGMs, because no penetration. No autocannon can do any harm to tanks. That is because WEAPONS are modelled with small details, but weapon effects vs tanks are not.
Just like you added top-attack missiles and tandem-warhead missiles. Does it count that much on bn level? Or advanced ERA? The game now has a lot more details than SP1 or 2 or 3 had and I think you made it better that way. Why? It's more realistic...
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate your game. I don't mean this as a "flame" of anger against your fine peace of work - it's best of its kind at the moment...
...But I wouldn't mind if it was even better.