- planets will launch satellites in combat! Here's your "autolaunch" function - you will never forget to launch sats again.
- Sats will be launched in Groups, thus covering the space around a planet more evenly. If you have lots of them sitting on a planet, by the time the enemy ships some into range you will have a good defense from all sides (I have to test it...)
Actually, you've misunderstood my original intention with the "auto-launch".
What I want is to be able to set repeat build on a tiny planet, and not have to tell it to launch all its sats every turn. As it is now, the cargo space on the planet is filled up on the first turn, and if I forget to launch, the next turn's production is wasted.
I want to leave the planet be, and then come by two years later with a sat transport and pick up the 50 sats in orbit.
Doing the launching manually is micromanagement hell.
does anyone know how to deploy sats or fighters in small Groups OUTSIDE of combat, though? this method seems to require them to be stored in cargo until combat starts, thus limiting the number that you can use. also, it bunches them up, like you said.
Only fighters can be launched in small Groups, and it takes many turns.
1) Launch a small group of fighters.
2) Move them away on the next turn (when they get their MP. Repeat from step 1.
3) Order all the fighter Groups back to the planet, and make a fleet out of the Groups if you want.