Mr Tom DeShelter, tester for the SPMBT Wild team has become a very qualified designer. He has completed his second scenario, "Dragon Rouge." We've all tested it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think you will too.
You can find it here.
Here are the details and backgrounds of this tough fight.
Belgium-US/Mercenary Advance vs Rebel Defend
Stanleyville, Belgium Congo
November 24, 1964
Turns: 12
Design: Tom DeShetler
[email protected]
Testers: Bill Wilder, Lars Remmen, Fabio Prado
Special Thanks to Bill Wilder for his mentoring
Player Notes:
The map is included in the zip file.
This is a single player game with the human player taking the Belgium side. You command a mixed force whose mission is to rescue hostages in Stanleyville in the Belgium Congo from rebel Simba forces
Your mission consists of securing the Airport and key buildings in the city and rescuing any civilians
The Mercenary force will move in from the south towards the city and link up the closest Para unit and secure the Western part of the City.
The Paras will use 3 drop zones, 1 to the west of the city and 2 to the East. The Western drop will link up with the Mercenaries, secure the west side of the city and act as an anvil for the Eastern forces. The Eastern drop will secure the airport for the Airlift coming in and move on the Eastern portion of the town.* The airlift will bring in some light armor and additional troops to secure the town.