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Old October 4th, 2005, 10:10 AM

Pepper Pepper is offline
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Default Fast Artillery

Are there any known issues with Fast Artillery randomly turning itself "on" during a PBEM?

On my end, my Fast Artillery is OFF, but my opponent, intermittently, isn't seeing my artillery firing. Sometimes he sees it, sometimes he doesn't. Not sure what to make of it.

Are there any known issues with this?
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Old October 4th, 2005, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: Fast Artillery

It could be he's got fast arty on at his end . That will effect what he sees. What may be happening is he plays regular games with it on then forgets to turn it off when the PBEM arrives then turns it off again before sending his turn.It doesn't sound like you are having a problem though as you don't say you are missing his arty. Turning animation OFF could also cause this. If you are using light calibre arty you wouldn't see the craters.

Has anyone else had a problem with this ??


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Old October 4th, 2005, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Fast Artillery

I've noticed something like it in my PBEM games. I've only had one now, and I'm pretty sure my opponent also has his setting to off.

What happens is that the map moves to the impact point, there is a sound just like woth fast arty but no sight of explosions. It seems to happen intermittently, hasn't happended to last 10 rounds or so...

I'll have my opponent confirm he has fast set arty to OFF.

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Old October 5th, 2005, 12:17 PM

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Default Re: Fast Artillery

DRG said:
It could be he's got fast arty on at his end . That will effect what he sees. What may be happening is he plays regular games with it on then forgets to turn it off when the PBEM arrives then turns it off again before sending his turn.It doesn't sound like you are having a problem though as you don't say you are missing his arty.
I will mention that possibility to him, but given that we've been grappling with this for 10-15 turns, I suspect its not the root cause.

DRG said:
Turning animation OFF could also cause this.
I'll check that - I may have my animation OFF, not sure if he does or doesn't.

DRG said:
If you are using light calibre arty you wouldn't see the craters.

It's all 155mm off-map, so no, that isn't it.

I'll do some follow-up and let you know what I learn. Thanks for fast response (as always).
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Old October 5th, 2005, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: Fast Artillery

I occasionally have pre-planned arty delay for a turn or two. It's not pbem, just a regular scenario. It seems to only affect off-map arty and is random. I thought perhaps this was a built-in feature to keep us on our toes

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