playing a game against the comp. I am pangea carrion woods
started in quite a good place built a fort or two in strateigic places (like choke points or river crossings)
and was getting about 30 nature and 20 death a turn when I started with my 50 researchers spread out over 3 provinces to cast hundreds of v/o and with the ivy crown I was getting about.... 70-85 vine ogres a turn gave them to that ettin manikin (or whatever) gave him
heart finder sword
whip of command
rod of the leper king
horned helmet
horror helm
boots of long strides
wolf pelt?
ring of regen
gave him 90 saggitarius/ mino taur manikins
30 vine ogres
and make him a prophet!
teamed him up with a carrion centaur
and gave him 15 of those wooden construct thingies
and a horde of mandragora+other undead
and sent them on a rampage
go to about the oak of all ages waited 1 turn so that build up a small defense there and replenish my lost troops
next turn?
ulm has built a castle in oak of all ages defended by about 100 black plate infantries 50 trolls 4 troll kings
30 mech. men and 5 golems! thats even before I saw how many other commanders there were there(harpy sout

I was feeling bad in just one turn he had built a castle, and raised a huge defense and no one was close enough to help me reinforce my troops or position
well I won in the end lost 8 v/o 2 lumber constructs and 50 undead thingies most of his army ran away though! I killed about quater of his army then he pegged it!
then his army went on a killing spree and I was alwys one porvince behind them until...
they stopped for a turn to be continued!