parabolize said:
TurinTurambar said:
Linux and Mac lead to the dumbing down of world consciusness and an alien overthrow of the status quo...
... aw damn... I pimped it.
Please do elaborate. I understand Linus Torvalds, Alan Cox, Marcelo Tosatti and David Weinehall are aliens to many nations (though they are not from the same nation) but why does that matter? Do you consider software developers in your nation to be more important? Is Microsofts share of the software market helpful to you in anyway?
Macs are only used by artist and journalists, who are clearly all leftist 5th columnists. Linux, with it's thrice damned 'open source' ideals could never be thought of by an all-american capitalist as it is so very communist. Thus the use of Macs or Linux will lead to the triumph of global communism, which will kill us all. All of us do you hear?!