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Old July 14th, 2005, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: Country Training

Thank you for responding,
I'm convinced you are right and I know it's really hard to make numbers work with reallity, because I once tried for another game and I must admit the results were pretty bad . The problem with number exists also with MBT caracteritics, ...etc... (and let me tell you your system is really better than the SP2 one, and the french OOB is the best I have never seen, and I have seen a lot).
So as you said, you gived us Mobhack (Thanks) to do changes by ourselves, maybe that I will use it, but my purpose is not to "save" the only Legion, but to see if with precise informations (and others) we could not build something like a "mathematic" way of attributing country training...
I think you have already done it, and I'm probably the 100th guy who drive you mad with those stories of country training, so excuse me for that , thank you for your really good job (I enjoy more SPMBT than some new games) and I hope I could give before long a country training system, which, even if not perfect could avoid the "emotional" aspect, which was at work when BTW I wrote the Legion should have better experience values...
"On 17 January, I started with 39 tanks. After 38 days of aerial attacks, I had 32, but in less than 20 minutes with the M1A1,1 had zero." an Iraqi
battalion commander, after being captured by the 2nd Armored Cav Regiment, speeking to Col Don Holder.
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