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Old July 5th, 2005, 05:37 PM
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Pyros Pyros is offline
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Default AI Tactics: US Tactics


Fire Support Coordination An in-depth examination of the complex fire support coordination procedures as practised in Vietnam, including artillery, helicopter, Tac Air and naval gunfire support.


Defending Installations An examination of lessons learned and their application to the defence of static US installations against Viet Cong mortar and recoilless rifle attacks.


NVA Bunkers A look at the construction techniques of the NVA and the effectiveness of weapons systems employed against them.


Ambush Operations Introduction to US doctrine regarding ambushes, including pages on the various types of ambushes used (from hamlet to waterway) as well as a selection of schematics detailing US formations adopted in ambushes.

Eagle Flight Introduction to Eagle Flight Operations and Missions, including schematics detailing flight formations and assault landings as well as an actual operational summary.

VC Tunnel Complexes An examination of the techniques developed and adopted by US forces in combating VC tunnel systems.

Village Search Operations Methods adopted by US forces in isolating and searching villages and hamlets suspected of harboring VC or VC sympathisers

Countering Ambushes Techniques used to avoid being ambushed by NVA and VC including trail security and Company movement.

Friendly Fire Incidents Whilst not strictly a subject detailing tactics used this article nonetheless highlights the dangers of poor tactical decisions when employing supporting fires.

Countering Standoff Attacks This article examines the various strategies adopted by the US and Allies in countering the increasing threat of NVA standoff attacks against friendly installations
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