Re: Polish OOB
1) The SU-22 UMK-3 is a 2-seat trainer version, not bomber
2) Poland is using 80 mm and 210 mm unguided rockets since mid-80s
3) Krab 155 mm SPA is not yet in service
4) A for 125 mm ammo - Poland used early 80s ammo until mid-90s when first version of Pronit ammo was developed (APCR value circa 65). In 2001 second type of Pronit APCR was introduced (APCR 75). Polish HEAT rounds are still old Soviet ones.
5) 45mm ATGs were used until late 40s
6) F-16 is not yet in service, scheduled for 2006-2007
7) MiG-23 is out of service since mid-90s, BM-21 Grad is still in service and will remain for long time.
8) Poland doesn't use FH-70 guns
9) No UAVs currently, plans to purchase Predators in 2006
10) Naval gun support...Poland had only 1 Sovriemenyji-class destroyer replaced with 2 OHPs. However, Poland has several heavy landing ships (Ropucha-class) with 122 mm launchers for shore landing support.