chademueller said:
Seems my problem is a little different from others.
I get to the screen where you deploy units but nothing happens. I have to end task in task manager to close the game.
Or I get to the screen where you start the scenario & a blank screen appears. I have to end task in task manager to close the game.
In both cases the system does not crash but nothing happens until I end WinSPMBT using the Windows Task Manager.
System has a 1Ghz processor , 128Mb of RAM & Windows XP.
And the video card is a 32MB one, or less?
Your RAM should be enought to handle the game, if you diont have too many other programmes running inthe background, including task-bar applications. Though 256MB is probably better.
I would try with sound off, as the sound system allocates the sound buffers on the fly, so not using the sound means no memory buffers (and no com objects as well

On the game options master Control Panel - misc screen - switch interface mouse click to OFF. In the game's main screen, select the PREFERENCES button and switch BATTLE FX and SOUND FX both to OFF.
Additionaly - try it in 640 screen mode, especially if you don't have the recommended minimum of a 32+MB video card.
If your video card is one of those that grab system RAM, instead of having it's own built-in RAM chips then you have less than 128MB system RAM to play with. The system requires a video card, and not a shared graphics video unit as found in some budget machines.
One other thing to try on a low memory system (especially if there is a shared memory video unit) may be to increase the windows swap file (virtual memory) size. Start->Help enter swap in the Index tab, read the swapfile help section in Windows help.