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Old January 1st, 2005, 11:23 AM
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Kristoffer O Kristoffer O is offline
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Default Oceania fix?

It has been posted that there are some bugs rearding oceania. I posted this solution in the patch'n mod thread, but I would like to get some more feedback.

* Mermidon land move
* Turtle warriors transforming into less useful mermen

Here are some suggested changes in the mod file. This is from another post, so some of you might have tested it already.

Do you find these suggestions to be useful?
Do you want a new Version of the mod or do you prefer to make the changes yourselves?


The Mermidon is quite easily fixed. Just paste in this in the oceania.dm
#selectmonster 1101
#ap 14

The landshape stuff is more of a problem. There is currently no landshape modding command. A patch is needed to fix this problem.

There is an ad hoc way to solve the problem. The independent merman (can be found in independent seas) can be replaced by turtle warriors. The result would be that other uw nations might come across turtle warriors, but it is not very likely.

Making the independent merman a turtle warrior:
#selectmonster 1065
#descr "Mermen are amphibious beings related to Tritons but have fish tails instead of legs. Mermen have strange powers of transformation and can remove their tails to walk on dry land. Some mermen build coastal villages. They are used to fighting on dry land. They are called turtle warriors by their bethren and are often used in raids on inland provinces."
#spr1 "./oceandata/turt1.tga"
#spr2 "./oceandata/turt2.tga"
#weapon 1
#armor 25
#armor 114

#selectmonster 1066
#descr "Mermen are amphibious beings related to Tritons but have fish tails instead of legs. Mermen have strange powers of transformation and can remove their tails to walk on dry land. Some mermen build coastal villages. They are used to fighting on dry land. They are called turtle warriors by their bethren and are often used in raids on inland provinces."
#spr1 "./oceandata/turtland1.tga"
#spr2 "./oceandata/turtland2.tga"
#def 10
#weapon 1
#armor 25
#armor 114

Making the independent merman captain a turtle captain:
#selectmonster 1067
#descr "Mermen are amphibious beings related to Tritons but have fish tails instead of legs. Mermen have strange powers of transformation and can remove their tails to walk on dry land. Some mermen build coastal villages. They are used to fighting on dry land. They are called turtle warriors by their bethren and are often used in raids on inland provinces."
#spr1 "./oceandata/turtcap1.tga"
#spr2 "./oceandata/turtcap2.tga"
#hp 12
#str 11
#weapon 1
#armor 25
#armor 114

#selectmonster 1068
#descr "Mermen are amphibious beings related to Tritons but have fish tails instead of legs. Mermen have strange powers of transformation and can remove their tails to walk on dry land. Some mermen build coastal villages. They are used to fighting on dry land. They are called turtle warriors by their bethren and are often used in raids on inland provinces."
#spr1 "./oceandata/turtcapland1.tga"
#spr2 "./oceandata/turtcapland2.tga"
#hp 12
#str 11
#def 10
#weapon 1
#armor 25
#armor 114

You will also have to replace the recruitment nbr of the turtle warriors with the new ones.

#addrecunit 1097 -> #addrecunit 1065
#addreccom 1099 -> #addreccom 1067
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Old January 1st, 2005, 11:55 AM

Jurri Jurri is offline
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Default Re: Oceania fix?

I'd say a new official Version would be better, to encourage usage in MP. It would be supremely awesome if you could also add national heroes to the theme, perhaps via PvK's suggested method of replacing the Atlantean ones? (Or at least remove the current Atlantean ones.)
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