Patch Woes
Well, in trying to patch up to v2.15, I really ended up with quite a predicament, that has left me unable to play Dom2.
I remembered that when upgrading to 2.12, I had to reinstall from CD, unlock permissions (Mac OS X) and then patch. So, I embarked on this course, but the problem, it seems is I have a bad dom2 CD as I encounter a read/write error when trying to copy the dom2 icon from the CD into my /Applications folder (or any other disk destination). I believe I have backups of the 2.12 dom2 package tree, but I don't think I can patch up from there -- I couldn't even find 2.13 patch anywhere and I remember from patching up to 2.12 that I was unable to "patch up", I had to reinstall from CD and then patch...
I love dom2 but don't think I can fork out another $50 to compensate for a defective CD (though with all the travel I was doing, it may have been a result of luggage degradation...)...
Any other alternatives...?