Re: Tech mod?
I've daydreamed about a *massive* SF mod. Commanders become carriers and cruisers. Troops become fighters and destroyers. Scale is logarithmic. (So armored humans are size 1, fighters size 2 ... the death star size 8). Terrain is remapped -- systems (land) and deep space (sea). Systems provide resources, supplies, and easy recruitment. Most troops and many commanders cannot leave systems w/o special equipment (drives) or accompanied by folks who can. Most deep space capable commanders provide supplies to feed the folks travelling with them.
Magic changes. Fire is plasma technology. Nature, hydroponics. Blood is replaced w/ WH40K style psycher hunts. (I'm not sure how that'll play out in deep space.) Magic summons become fighter / escort launches.
I've glanced through some Ulm mods that reach early industrial / steampunk.