Horst F. JENS said:
Does it only work when the mage is wounded, but not (yet) killed ?
Exactly. As long as your mage is only wounded, it should work regardless of dominion, domes, assassinations, etc.
This would make sense from the spell description, but it raise another question: What is the spell good for ?
If my low-hitpoint mages can't use it then only high hit point, astral beings can use it. Like golems. But what's the point ?
A single Golem can tear huge armies down with Astral Tempest, yet when you factor in its equipment it's a costly investment you don't want to loose. So you give it highly defensive equipment and use RoR, and hope it'll stay on the battlefield long enough for the Astral Tempest to take its toll. Same if you use toys like the blood Twin Spear or the Horror Harmonica.
Starspawns are other tough astral mages, they aren't easily killed in one hit. Ditto Ether Lords, Atlantian Kings of the Deep (when they come with astral), or even Abysian Warlocks. RoR may be useful on all of these. As well as on any weak and expensive astral mage (like Arch Theurgs or Grand Thaumaturgs) if you expect to meet vs nastinesses like Foul Vapors or Grip of Winter, and can't afford resistance rings for everyone.